Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week 7

Lincoln is 7 weeks as of yesterday.

yes...7 WEEKS!

There are plenty of things I want to remember for my next child

And for Lincoln to know when he's older

So - this is Lincoln at week 7

Although newborn diapers still fit Lincoln, we have graduated to size one just before you can go longer without having to change his little bum because they hold more!

He is still wearing his newborn clothes! He's getting big, but his 0 to 3 month clothes still DROWN him.

He started to smile at 5 and a half weeks.  He is a pro now.

On Monday (nov. 1st) He laughed for the first time! My dad was playing with him and Lincoln let out! He hasn't really laughed since, but believe me, I'm trying to get him to!

He is learning how to talk. baby talk that is. He makes goo goo ga ga sounds that are too cute! My mom went to check on him one morning (while I was staying at their house). She said she could here him so when she opened the door Lincoln was just laying in the porta crib smiling and talking to himself!

He can entertain himself! I can lay him on the floor and he can stay like that for like an hour. He loves looking at the lights and fans.  And he's starting to like his lay down toy thingy where you can hit the toys/rattles. (ya, dunno what they are called)

He can hold up his head a lot. It still wiggles a bit, but his little neck is getting pretty darn strong.

He eats 4 ounces every 3 hours or so.

Since I had to stop nursing when Lincoln was 4 weeks, he is using formula. He LOVES the Similac but lets be honest, it's SO expensive. So we finally found a brand, Sam's Club formula, that he loves! Costco brand...not good at all! He kept throwing it up! Not fun.

He only cries when he's hungry or tired. His tired, you gotta hear it sometime! Who knew a baby could cry with such a high pitched cry!

He L.O.V.E.S. Bath time! I would give him a bath daily, he's still too little for baths every day. He could stay in the bath all night. He smiles and is so content laying in the nice, warm water.

When Lincoln falls asleep in my arms, he grabs onto my shirt collar and holds on. Love it!

He still isn't sleeping through the night. blah. He wakes up every 3 hours If he wakes up at 3:53AM, he will wake up again at 6:53. It's crazy!

We graduated to size 2 bottle nipple! Feeding has gone lots better because he can eat faster and gets more. He's a fan..I'm a fan..especially at 3 AM.

Lincoln gets the hiccups at least once a day - and he hates them! 

He is still struggling with his acid reflux. I give him a prescription each morning.  It has helped a lot with his grunting and can lay flat better now, but the projectile spit up is no fun. For instance - within 30 minutes, we went through 3 burp cloths. blah.

Speaking of burps. Lincoln rocks at burping. He usually will burp right when you start burping him.  You can tell when he is done burping if you rub his back upwards.  If he squirms you know he still has another burp or 2 in him, but if he doesn't move, you know he's satisfied.

Well, that is all I can think of about Lincoln right now.  So here are his 7 week photos. I love doing photo shoots with him. Although I really wish/want/need a better camera so I don't have glares and it can work in bad lighting.

These first pictures are mainly for Jana
I made this carseat cover!
Yep..all by myself!
I wanted to make one now that the weather is changing.
I'm worried for lincoln's health and strangers
Hopefully this will keep him warm, block germs and keep strangers from touching him.

Anyways - here are the pictures!

1 comment:

  1. So cute Jami! You are lucky he is such a calm baby! I love reading your blog because you answer a ton of questions I have about new babies and about being a first time mom. I can't wait until my little one arrives!
