Friday, November 12, 2010

A lot of randomness

So this post has a LOT of random things in!

Mr. Lincoln has been sick the past 2 days :( It makes me so sad to see him stuffy and coughing and jagging and throwing up. Even though all these symptoms, he's still such a happy, smiling boy. It's like it's only phasing me, and not him. We go to the doctor on Monday for his 2 month appointment, so I'll get him checked out then.

Mr. Lincoln also has acid reflux. He's on a prescription to help with the acid, but it doesn't stop the spitting up. Needless to say, we see a.lot. of spit up at our house. And since he's sick, when he coughs he can throw up all his milk.  This is what happened yesterday.

Poor guy

This is Lincoln after his bath the other night. He is seriously so cute! And i LOVE his jammies!

 He's getting so good at holding his little head up!
 Op! Smitters again!
Daddy to the rescue!

So James asked me to pick the roses in our front yard because they were starting to bloom. When it comes to the yard I leave all that up to him, but I thought I'd be a good wife and do what he asked and I picked the roses! Look how pretty.

When he got home, I made sure he noticed that I had picked the roses like he had asked. Later that night while I was cleaning up I noticed tiny spiders all over my counter. Yep, those pretty roses were COVERED in tiny spiders! Gross. So much for our pretty roses in our house...they are now in the dumpster.


Want some more randomness..Okay!

This happened a few weeks ago.  I had called James to see what he wanted me to pick up at the store for dinner. He asked if I would try something new for dinner and not make the same things I make each week. I cant blame him. We've had the same dinners for a year and a half now. So, I put together a great shopping list to make great new recipe's.

When James got home from work, He took Lincoln and they started watching some tv. I was busy in the kitchen cookin some chicken. Well, I started to get thirsty, so I put my water jug in the water dispenser on the fridge.

Well, I got carried away trying out my new recipe.  I was standing in the kitchen cutting my chicken now and I heard the downstairs door open and the guy who rents the basement called up for me. James answered and asked what he could do. He said that there was water dripping from his ceiling and last time that had happened, the tenant upstairs left the kitchen sink on and flooded the kitchen. Well, I looked at the sink and now water was on. I thought, 'hum did I leave the bath running.' Nope, didn't shower today! :) I thought, that's too bad, someone (James) left something running. I continued to cut my chicken when James walked into the kitchen and all he said was, 'are you seriously jami.' Yep, you best believe it-I flooded our kitchen because I left my mug in the water dispenser. We laughed all night about my mishap. Goodness there was so much water!!


1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, that is hilarious about your mug, don't worry, we all do things like that! :)
