Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Funny Picture

(don't mind that it's 4:40AM...i'm just waiting for the Lincster to fall back asleep)

I love taking pictures of Lincoln.

I love taking pictures of Lincoln and James.

Do you know how hard it is to take a picture of yourself and a baby when you are home by yourself all the time and you have nobody to take your photo.

Well, I was looking at pictures today and noticed I only have a select handful of pictures of me and the Lincster.

So I tried to snap a photo yesterday while he was eating. 

You know, 'the candid one'.

All in all you know it's not candid because you set up the camera and prepared yourself in the 10second you have before the timer goes off.


Here is our candid photo from yesterday.

I think it turned out okay for an amateur candid photographer...

Lincoln is happy taking his bottle

I'm pleased that he's eating

But what is that in the background.

Why yes, it's a little Lincoln...

popping his little head to be in the photo.

I almost died when I saw my computer in the background!

Like I said
I think it turned out okay for an amateur candid photographer... :)

(If you didn't read my previous post...make sure you read it! Lincoln is 2 months already!!)


  1. He he that is awesome! Ah! I know how you feel, I always wish I had more of Kennedy and I, Its hard. Hah still a cute picture though!

  2. I love all the updates!! I haven't checked your blog in a while. Your little Lincoln is such a cutie!! We need to plan a get together again with all the girls and Lincoln :)
