Saturday, October 9, 2010

You know you're a mom...

you know when you're a mom when...

You stay in your bath robe all day
You have the same makeup on from 3 days ago
Getting poop on your hands doesn't phase you
heck..getting pooped or peed on doesn't phase you
(and you manage to stay in that pooped on outfit all day knowing it's just gonna get dirty again)
You can manage to fall asleep while going to the bathroom because you are so tired
your new vocabulary includes..
spitters (spit up)
let's change your bum
hiccers (hiccups)
sweet pea
you need loves
hungers (hungry)
Nigh night (time for bed)
Sleepers (tired)
(All being said in a sweet baby voice of course)

I seriously LOVE being a mom!
Lincoln is such a great baby and he is absolutely beautiful.
Me and James love having him in our home.
I cannot believe he is almost 4 weeks old. He is getting so big already!

I'm in the process of writing the birth story. I know it's taken forever, but I wanna make sure I include everything because I want it as my journal. It's crazy that even after 4 weeks...thinking about Lincolns birth still makes me emotional.  It was such a scary, unexpected thing to go through. So, hopefully soon I'll have it posted.. along with lots and lots of pictures!!!

1 comment:

  1. So True! I love little Lincoln! Can't wait till his best buddy gets here! ;)
