Monday, June 28, 2010

Fun Week

We had such a fun week! Last week my family took the boat out for the first time this season for my brothers birthday. I was determined to get on the wakeboard, but James kept telling me, 'if that was me and something happened to the baby, I could never forgive myself.' geez, nothing like a guilt trip. So, I just sat on the boat and beach and enjoyed watching the boys and Kelli board. Me, Jana and Steph (all pregnant) did however go with the babies on the tube and that was fun...until we were going so slow that that tube sank. Nothing like 2 screaming 3 year olds and me and Jana complaining about the freezing water! All in all it was so much fun! We are planning on going this week again! I'm sad that I can't 'do anything', but at least I have 2 sisters who are pregnant with me and can't do anything either :) This is the only picture I got boating. Look how cute my mom and niece are!

This past Wednesday, we went to the Manti Pageant. It has been many years since I went last and really wanted to see it. So, we went! It was such a good performance. We had great seats on the front row and we were able to get out of there as soon as it ended and beat all the traffic! The temple is absolutely breathtaking!

On Friday, my nephew Gunther wanted to have a "Party", so we all went over to James' sister's house and had a party! It was so fun! We had pizza and tons on snacks. Melissa set up badmitten and we got some pretty intense games going. Then we started the fire and roaster marshmallows and made S'mores. It was so fun to be with family and to enjoy everybody's company!

Since my summer has been super lame, James and I went to the driving range on Saturday to 'give me something to do.' I hit a few balls ... which started some nice, hard braxton hicks contractions. So I stopped and rolled James the balls for him to hit. Even though I didn't get to do a lot, it was so nice to get out with James and do something fun together. 
(**Golfing while 29 weeks pregnant is NOT graceful looking!**)

Baby Update!
I'm 29 weeks pregnant now! Yay, only 11 weeks to go.. MAX!
(my doctor believes in inducing...and so do I, so baby Wright will be here no later than the 15th!)
I haven't been feeling well for the past few days. Blah!
Saturday the braxton hicks contractions started and I seriously couldn't move. They hurt so bad. I was just in tears. They lasted all night, which meant I couldn't sleep. And everytime I moved or changed positions, my stomach would spaz. 
So on Sunday, I made it to the first 2 hours of church then came home and slept.  Luckily they have died down but I feel like my stomach is rock hard all the time and when the Mister moves, it puts my body in so much pain! I just hope this goes away and doesn't last for 11 more weeks!

*The GOOD things about my pregnancy now*
Luckily, my back hasn't been hurting like it has been! I don't have to soak in my bath every night now, which is nice.
I still sleep really really well! (well, except for the last 2 nights) I'm grateful for the sleep I've been able to get!
My leg cramps went away!
I haven't retained water and I'm not getting swollen.
I'm happy I don't have cankles and that I can still put my shoes on!
The heat hasn't been too much of a hassle yet! We do, however, keep our house at 71 degrees and unfortunately it sometimes freezes out the guy who lives downstairs. I do feel bad, but you gotta keep a pregnant women cool!
I've been able to eat more...i don't know if that is good or bad, because I feel like I can eat, eat and keep eating!
Then again, I've only gained 15 pounds so far. (which is right on track) and the weight is mostly in my tum tum and not my arms, and face.
Not only do I love feeling him move, but i love WATCHING him move! He is already so funny and makes me laugh out loud. I get so entertained by his movements and how he can manage to hit every part of my tummy at once.  I could seriously watch him all day.
The Mister is sitting so seriously low in my tummy that He hasn't found my ribs yet! And since he IS so low, i'm not having heartburn! Hallelujah!  
BUT.... I do waddle 

*Not the Greatest Part of Pregnancy Now*
I wear the same 4 shirts, all the time.  Last night, Scotty saw me and said, 'you always wear that shirt!' Hey it's not my fault it fits and it's comfortable! I can't wait to have my normal wardrobe back!
The anticipation of having our son here in 11 weeks! 
I love reading 'mommy blogs' and reading their birthing stories. I read stories of women going into labor at 34 weeks and I just think...'what if that happened to me? could i be ready in just 6 weeks?!'
It really is a crazy thought! As much as I want the Mister HERE, NOW...I want him to be full term. My dear friend in my ward had her baby boy at 36 weeks and he's been in the hospital for 2 weeks now. It has been hard for my friend and her husband, but they are so strong and hopefully they will bring their baby boy home this week. but I don't know if I would have the strength and courage like they do. I think if I had to leave my boy in the hospital ... well we could all imagine me being a complete mess.

I still haven't done anything new to the nursery. 
I went to pick out colors, but when I brought them home, I didn't like them in the lighting of the room, so I just have to get out and go again. blah. But as soon as I paint, I can get everything else finished. I'm giving myself the end of next week to have it painted!! IT WILL BE DONE SOON!

Is it bad that at 29 weeks I want to pack my hospital bag and put the carseat in the car. 
Seriously the anticipation is killing me and I still have all of July and August to wait! 
(wow, that seems like a long time away...11 weeks seems closer)
But I am excited about July! July is going to go by super fast!! 
First off it's the 4th of July which is one of my favorite Holidays. I absolutely LOVE fireworks!!
Then I have dr. appointments (I start going every 2 weeks!)
Then we have the Mitchell family reunion up at Bear Lake for a whole week! I am seriously SO excited for this!! 
And then it'll be August. August will drag but at least I can say that I'll have my baby next month! woohoo continue my ramblings...
I go to the doctor again next week. This is when I get some more blood test done. I'm pretty nervous about getting the diabetes test done because of the liquid stuff I have to drink before. And plus, I can't eat until after the test and my appointment isn't until 11. I wake up starving and when you're starving and pregnant...well, it's just not good. Hopefully all will go well.

I'm still looking for a Medela breast pump. I'm looking for a used one because I can't afford a new one. If anybody is selling theirs for a GREAT price and wants to help me out..let me know! I woudl GRATEFULLY appreciate it!

Well I think that is a pretty good update!

P.S. can you believe James and I will be celebrating our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY on WEDNESDAY!? This year seriously went by SO fast!!

Love you James!


  1. Love this post! haha and you look cute golfing (of course! :) Still anxiously waiting for the nursery pics!! I'm glad the Brax.Hicks calmed down and hopefully you start feeling better.

  2. Love that picture of your mom and Jayci! So cute. I loved your baby update too cause I get to see you and experience the waddling and other fun stuff in person, ha ha! Oh well, I'm sure mine will start soon enough, and then you can make fun of me too. Love ya!

  3. Like your post- I have 9 weeks left so we are super close! The drink they give you for diabetes isnt too bad- it wasnt for me anyways- good luck with your pregnancy!
