Tuesday, February 8, 2011

my sick baby boy

See this little guy

He hasn't been sleeping well the past 2 nights. And when I say he hasn't been sleeping well, I mean he hasn't been sleeping at all.

He'd wake up every hour screaming like I have never heard him cry/scream before,

It sounded like he was in pain, so much pain.

So last night, I just rocked him during the night while he whined and whimpered.
My heart broke. It made me so sad because I didn't know why he was acting this way.
This morning I woke up knowing that he was sick and that I needed to take him to the doctors. It wasn't like him to scream everytime I laid him in his crib. He was so unhappy.
My gut feeling: ear infection. Don't ask me why or how I thought it was an ear infection, but I just knew it was. Call it mommy intuition. Mommies do know their children.
The Doctor confirmed I was right.
He was sick.
Really sick.
Ear infection sick.
Lincoln has had a cold for a past few days which has led to an ear infection in his left ear. (although I thought it was in his right ear)
It is so sad to see Lincoln sick like this. It has also been really hard for me and James because he hasn't napped at all today because laying down bothers him so much - lets face it, we're tired.
Luckily we got an antibiotic and hopefully that will start kicking in soon.
But for now, it'll be a LONG night of cries and cuddling


  1. I hope he's feeling better. I've got some ear drops that are miracles for ear infections! If the antibiotics haven't started working yet I'll run them over to you so he can get some good naps in today, so that YOU can get a good nap in! A mom running on little to no sleep is not a very fun thing!

  2. I am so sorry that all of yo

    u are dealing with this. Emily has a little cold that she caught from her big sister. No fun at all. Hope he is feeling better.
