Wednesday, March 23, 2011

St. Patty's Day

March 17th - Saint Patty's Day is suppose to be Lucky Right?! 

Luck of the Irish MY EYE!!

Here is how our day went...

We woke up around our normal time 8. I went to go get Lincoln his breakfast when we saw that the leprechaun had stopped by our house in the middle of the night! Did he come visit you??

He filled our shoes with gold. yumm!

After our breakfast we dressed in our green! Thanks Grandpa C for the cutest sweatshirt ever!!!

Then we ventured out to Lincoln's 6 month doctor appointment. (i'm going to do a post about his accomplishments at 6 months and stats - just you wait) He is one healthy boy!

After his poor shots, the nurse came in and brought me his vaccine card. He left and and turned to put the paper in my diaper bag when I turned around and saw Lincoln rolling off the doctors table. I quickly turned and grabbed his ankle in hopes to catch him before he hit the floor - but BAM - I was too late. He started screaming and screaming. I rocked him and he started to settle down. I felt so so so bad!!! I should have let the doctor look at him, but I felt so embarrassed and felt like the worse mother in the world that I couldn't do it. Luckily he was fun :)

Moments before the fall

After the doctors we went to go pick up my sister in Cottonwood Heights and then we were heading up to Salt Lake to go to Discovery Gateway.

As we were stopped at the light, getting ready to get onto I-215, a big dodge ram decided he didn't need to stop behind us! He crashed right in the back of us. I quickly pulled over, undid my seatbelt and ran to the back door.  The man got out of his truck and asked if I was okay as I was opening up the back door to the car.  I replied that I was fine but that my infant was in the back seat.  Seriously, that was the scariest thing in the whole world - having your child in the back seat when you get hit from behind.  Luckily, Lincoln was fine and there we no tears (from on the other hand...)

My car got a bit banged up.  His heavy duty truck was just fine. (blah) Luckily it was his fault so he will be paying for repairs.  As for us - we are just fine.  I had some whiplash this past week and it's starting to get better.

After that nice little accident we finally headed up to Salt Lake.  We had a great time at Discovery Gateway.  Jana's kids loved it! 

Me and my mom and Kelli decided we would take a trip to Anthropology.  I made my day a little better by buying me some new boots! and I LOVE THEM!!!


On Friday we ventured up to Park City to do a little Outlet shopping. At the first store we got to, Lincoln wasn't able to keep his bottle down and threw it all up. Luckily, we were at The Children's place and my mom bought Linc a new, clean shirt. Thanks mom!
Then later as we were leaving the outlets, Lincoln threw up again so he was now down to just his diaper.  Poor guy. Fortunately he had his cute green sweatshirt so he wore that the rest of the day while we did some laundry at at my moms.  

I'm sorry - but he is so stinkin cute!


  1. oh lovely.. I am so sorry about your crazy day! That is like my biggest fear, getting rear ended, but I am glad that everything and everyone was OK

  2. Man, I'm glad you guys are okay, that sounds way scary! Cute idea on the shoes full of gold too!
