Monday, March 1, 2010

A baby story

This all started 6 years ago...

Some of you may know that I have been struggling with my health since I was 16.  I was in and out of hospitals, going to doctor to doctor, and surgery after surgery and test after test because of these sharp abdominal pains.  Years later,  I was diagnosed with an 'auto-immune disease' but they didn't know what it was exactly.  I was taking 12 prescriptions a day to help calm these flairs I would...ya, it didn't work.

It just so happened that my G.I. doctor was wrong with her diagnoses.  It was January of 2009 when I went into the ER due to some crazy bleeding.  With some other tests done, and another surgery...I was diagnosed with endometriosis.  I was so happy to finally have a true diagnoses, and know how to deal with it.

I started on birth control, but that didn't seem to help any.  I went through a series of lupron shots.  This was the worst 6 months ever! James can even testify!!  My body was pretty much going through menopause to calm down the endometriosis.  I was moody, depressed, and not my typical self.  But all in all, it seemed to help out my terrible symptoms and I have been able to live with my endometriosis.

Well, before James and I got married I called up my Gyno doctor to let him know how I was doing and if there was anything special that needed to be done before I got off my parents insurance. :) We talked for a bit and then He asked me when we thought we would start our little family.  I quickly said that we'd probably start trying after a year and half, so we'll have a baby just after 2 years of marriage.  He seriously stopped me before I finished that sentence and said, 'You'll want to be pregnant before your one year mark of being married.' He went on to tell me that because of my endometriosis I have a harder time getting pregnant and that I might not be able to have kids.  He also said that the older my body gets, the hard it will be for me to have kids.  But that on the bright side, my endometriosis symptoms would disappear while I was pregnant and while I was breastfeeding.

That was something hard to grasp for me and James.  We were only a few weeks before we got married, and we now knew we might not be able to have kids. Luckily, we were very very blessed.

We found out we were pregnant the first week in January.  Although I knew I was pregnant the week before because my body felt sooo good! I didn't have the usual body aches and cramping.

I kept taking those all a dollar tests and they were always negative.  I KNEW I WAS PREGNANT but the stupid test was NEGATIVE. I finally went to target and bought the expensive EPT test and took it and it was...
I was on the phone with Jana while I read the results because I didn't know what to expect and James was at school and of course, left his phone on his dresser! I told Jana, there is a faint vertical line that makes the cross. I remember her saying...'YOU ARE SO PREGNANT!'

Me on the phone with Jana...

I then jumped in the car and headed to good old Ross.  I bought 2 newborn outfits...

A baby boy outfit
A baby girl outfit
wrapped it up for James to open when he got home from class.

When he got home, he saw the package and asked what it was.  I told him it was something that finally arrived for him that I got him for our 6th month anniversary.  He untied the bow and opened the box and found the baby outfits.  All he could say was, 'what's this?' and 'are you serious?', 'no way?!' (i'm sure he meant that in a good way) :)

oh so excited!!
and oh so shocked!!!

You see, we had gone to the Temple in December and received a good feeling that we should try to start our family...and it only took us a month...instead of 4 like we were expecting.  (you can see why we..especially James was shocked)

We are seriously so excited and feel SO blessed.  We thank out Heavenly Father every night for the blessing we have to be able to have a family.  

We had our first ultrasound at 8 weeks and we were able to see the heartbeat.  Okay, I couldn't ...I felt like this during the doctor's appointment...

Last week I went in at 12 weeks and had another ultrasound. I love that my doctors does an ultrasound every time I go see him! It was so fun seeing our baby! My doctor was, 'you should be able to see the baby move this time...or A LOT.' Cuz right when He said that, our baby was seriously doing crunches i my belly! It's feet were moving along with it's hands! I fell completely in love at that very moment!

I am excited for March 24th at 10:30 because we will find out if it is a boy or girl! We are sooo excited!!! I'm ready to say Him or Her or He or She!! YAY!!


  1. I am so happy for you Jami. You truly are blessed. You will love being a mommy. I can't wait to find out what your having... I say boy. :) haha.

  2. yay! congrats! you will love being a mom! something i did when i was pregnant was go to and you can sign up for once a week emails. they let you know what is happening every week. it was so cool to watch! so excited to see what you have!!

  3. I am so happy for you seriously!! My lil baby is the best thing that has ever happened to me and Kyle. The love you felt for the little ones in Ecuador times a billion. Yay baby wright!!
