Monday, September 19, 2011

In need of mommy advice

okay all you mommies out there. I'm in need of advice -

Lincoln is now one (crazy I know). So now I need to get him off his formula and switch to whole milk. Today is day one of not giving him any formula so far. Luckily, Lincoln will drink whole milk, but not like he would with formula. He'll drink a couple ounces is all and then you I can tell he wants formula :(

Here is my problem. Lincoln's pediatrician suggested only giving Lincoln about 18 oz of milk a day. Lincoln isn't the greatest eater. He'll have a few bites then be done and then he'll want a bottle. How do I get him to eat more and what do I feed him? He'll eat mac and cheese and yogurt. He still can't seem to eat bread for some reason so sandwiches are out.

how did you transition your kiddos to just straight solid foods? How did you know if they got enough to eat? what do you feed them? and how often?

On top of that - Lincoln is transitioning his nap time. He use to take 3 naps a day.  Now his schedule is all over the place. Sometimes he'll go down for his morning nap at the time he usually went down a month or so ago, but then other days he'll go like 6 hours til he naps and sometimes he doesn't nap at all. How do you get a good nap schedule? Lincoln set his own {perfect} nap schedule before so I 'm not sure how to impliment a new schedule. I've tried just putting him in his crib at the same given time, but most of the time he'll just end up playing in his crib instead.

obviously i'm in the dark here. So ANY advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!!


  1. I wish I could be of help... I'm interested to know what everyone says though!

  2. I wish I had started earlier on more solid foods. Cameron hates food too and we have recently have had to put our foot down for him to try things. He hates bread too. You just have to keep introducing them. He will get the hang of it. For the milk, try warming it up for a little bit and see if they will help. Just stop giving him the formula and when he is hungry, he will eat. It takes 3 days to change a habit. You can do it. For naps, he is going through a stage. Keep him at a 2 nap schedule..a morning and afternoon. If that doesn't work after a week, it is time for one nap a day in the afternoon. It is okay for them to play in the crib. Just put them down at the same time every day. Just remember, they all go through stages. Sometimes it just takes YOU to keep them on the schedule you have set for them. Don't give up. Keep going :)

  3. Thats my Advice. Introduce Random Solid Foods earlier. I know there is all these rules around how to feed your kids. But really Kids survived before all these rules were put out there. and Your the Best judge for your child. I would break teeny pieces of whatevver I was eating (within Reason) and just fed it to kypton...through out his first year. Pretty much from 6 months on. That way he got used to eating food. But i'm not th one to ask about the milk thing...Lol. My kid is still drinking a ton of milk. I would just mix the two. put a little bit of formula with the whole milk. I think thats gonna be the best, that he way he gets a little bit of both. Nap time....I know it sucks to do the whole "cry out" thing, but its seriously the best method, and it makes for a happy baby and mommy, once hes used to it. it shouldn't be a problem. I would prob just wait until he is acting tired, give him a bottle and put him down. if he has't to cry for a little while, let him cry it out for a couple days. just be consistant. Thats my advice, I hope it helps. And like I said, this is just what has worked for me. Not saying it will work for everybody. Your the best judge! Good Luck!

  4. Dont stress about the milk... it will come. It took Lucy a while before she would drink it like she did Formula. And I would stick to around 20 oz especially if he is not eating well..but no more because as I have learned if he gets full on milk he wont be hungry enough to even try solid foods. Dont stress too much, he will get what he needs...just try to elimante snacks during the day. I have heard you a toddler has to come into contact with a new food 10 times before he will actually eat it. SO it stinks but just keep offering him EVERYTHING..even if you are SURE he will reject day he will surprise you. I was (and still am) in this horrible eating stage with Lucy...i hear it's here to stay until about buckle up! I got a book from the library that was reccomened by a friend though and it has really helped. It's called child of mine it's here it may help! good luck!

  5. I would agree, you had some great advice, I wouldn't stress, I feel like babies and kids go in and out of eating foods just make sure you keep introducing him to them over and over. Kennedy goes in weird no eating bread, or potato, or banana or grape stages, but she snaps right back into loving them.No worries you are a great Mom and you will be prompted to do the right thing for you baby. :)
