Thursday, January 20, 2011

4 months already

See this big guy?

Ya, my Lincolnator just turned 4 months
I cannot believe it!

He had his 4 month check up last Friday

Here are his stats:

Date: 1-14-11
Age: 4 Months
Length: 26.2 inches  90%
Weight: 15 pounds 12 oz  75%
Head Circ: 41.7 cm  25%

His stats make him sound not so proportionate-
but he looks proportionate.

Lincoln was lot happy with his shots this time around. He cried and cried and cried. I think he was more upset that a stranger was holding him than the shots - but nevertheless, he hated it.

He has been so much fun lately
Here are things he loves. . .
Bath time

His toys

bouncing his way off his bouncer

His  hands in his mouth

trying to get anything and EVERYTHING in his mouth

holding his toes

Getting dressed
Getting his diaper changed

He loves talking

and smiling!

This boy is ALL smiles

loves story time

daddy time

Mommy time

His also has new tricks like . . .

Rolling over from his tummy to back

and back to tummy
(i'm so sad, the video wont load!)
sitting up

He is starting to. . .

eat rice cereal
(he still isn't too sure about it)

hold his own bottle

He doesn't like. . .


or having his legs in his jammies

or spitting up

Here are a few more things about Lincoln - 
He is still in size one diapers
He still drinks his similac sensitive
He'll drink 4 ounces every 3 hours
but i'm trying to get him to eat every 4 hours
he ISN'T sleeping through the night anymore.
He goes to bed at about 9 
wakes up around midnight
then at 2 AM
then at 4AM
then at 5:30AM
then sleeps til 9 or 9:30
SERIOUSLY! He is sleeping worst than when he was a new born.
So, we are trying a new schedule out to see if we can get him to sleep longer.
We stopped feeding him during the night and we are just giving him his binki. Hopefully he'll be trained to sleep through the night soon.
He loves to fall asleep with his binki
He only really cries when he is tired or hungry
If he can't see mom or dad he'll start screaming(not crying.
If he notices that somebody else is holding him besides mommy or daddy, 
he'll usually start screaming as well.
He takes 3, 45 minute naps each day
(Any ideas on how to get him to nap longer?!)
If I'm feeding him and holding his bottle, he loves to hold onto my finger
He loves cuddle time with mommy
When he gets really really tired, he gets delusional and starts laughing and laughing.
Falls asleep within seconds when he's in the car
He still loves blankets by his head, especially to sleep.
Loves dancing on my lap
Usually has 2 messy diapers a day.
Loves talking/grunting
Hates 1:00 church
and hates loud, sudden noises.

I love my little man so much!
I love being able to stay home and spend all my time with him.
Well, except when I have to go to class.


  1. So cute! He sounds exactly like my little girl in the sleep department. She's just barely getting out of those habits and sleeping longer during the night and during naps. I think its just a stage they go through!

  2. He is getting big! For the nap thing, don't race in there as soon as he makes a noise. They go through sleeping stages. Let him cry for a few minutes. If he still is crying, go check on him, but do not pick him up. Give him his binki and go back out. It will take 3 days to get this down, but it will be worth it. It is a stage, but you can help it a little bit :)

  3. He is so cute I love that smily face! PS we have the same Dino PJ's aren't they so cute? I think they are my favorite! I love him sitting in the big chair it reminds me of the Lincoln Memorial ahahha. What a handsome little boy. For longer naps, is there a window? Maybe black it out. My sister does that with tin foil. We do more belly time anything that will ware Z out or help stimulate him. That may help night time too.

  4. Oh my goodness Jami that is one cute baby!! I NEED to come see you!!
