Monday, April 19, 2010

In Need of HELP

Now that this semester is finally to it's end, I've been able to let my mind being to wonder...and the only subject it wonders to is B.A.B.Y. There are a lot of sub categories in B.A.B.Y. Category. Let me demonstrate...
1.   A NAME
        a. We know we want to use my middle name, Lee, as her middle name, But we cannot agree on a first name
              i. Any name ideas? I like cute, unique, not an everyday/real popular name.

2.    Car Seat/Stroller
         a.  I've been looking at the Graco Stylus Travel System Stroller - Ben
              i. Take a look. What do you think? Do you know anything good or bad about it?
              ii. Babies R' Us  (click here) This has  a description about it.

3.   Nursery
        a. I need help with ideas!!! I don't know what color scheme to go with. I know I do want to try to stay away from 'light baby pink.'
        b. I want a glider/rocker.  Any good suggestions on where to look? I don't want to break the bank it either. I also thinking I want a neutral color (so I can use it for other nurseries)

4.   Break Pump
        a.  I JUST WANT ONE!!! But I know NOTHING about them! Any recommendations?

Can you tell that I've done numerous outlines this semester? Gol, I'm so happy to be done with this semester...actually...done for awhile! 

Anyways...if you can please leave a comment with ideas, suggestions or anything that you know...that would be so extremely helpful! I'm so excited to start preparing for this little one!!


  1. Okay so for the car seat Graco is excellent you don't want to buy the really expensive kinds like chicco. They are good but I hear they are heavy and don't fit in the shopping carts at stores. Which might sound lame but trust me you'll want it too or your arm will fall off.I'd go with the Graco and that one is super super cute. But if you want to go expensive get the Peg Piergo they have the highest ratings for safety and some of my friends own them and say they are the best.
    For the breast pump any hospital and any mom would reccomend the Medela "pump in style" its amazing but pricey like 275.00 or something but if your going to have more kids i'd get that one. Works like a champ trust me!! you should have seen my freezer haha. Do not get any other brand besides Medela they will break and don't have as long of a warrenty on them.
    Or you could just borrow mine if you want!! I have it and would let you use it since I'm not BF kingston anymore.
    For the nursery here is a great website for ideas. I love this website. or go to etsy and just type anything you what you want for a room and it will pull up everything they have the cutest ideas!! I did kingston's room owl theme which you don't see a lot so if you want something different thats a great website.

    Good Luck!! :) P.S email me on fb if you have any questions about anything. LOVE YA GIRL!! :)
    I'm so excited for you!!

  2. we got on evenflo for our stroller/car seat and we love it. it wasn't too expensive and that is what we did. for a pump, get electric! you don't want a hand pump. trust me. they suck. you can look on baby name websites to get ideas of names, then start discussing which you like and what you don't like. for nursery, we just got a 3-piece set from walmart and love it. didn't really do a nursery, but hard when you are renting a place that isn't yours. it will all come together. burlington coat factory and walmart are my favorite places. found some good stuff :) good luck!!

  3. BOB Revolution Jogging Stroller. BEST STROLLER EVER! I cannot say enough good about it. Neither does anyone I know who has one. I got mine at REI- read the reviews. It is awesome. If you run/walk alot, or plan on doing so with your baby- it's a must.

    I hear the Chico carseat/stroller are the safest best, but I also know a ton of people that have Graco, and i'm sure they are great! I have a Britax Carseat-- for my infant seat, and now Lucy's toddler seat. They have been awesome. and that and the graco and peg pereggio or whatever were the ones that were compatible with my amazing stroller! =)

    As far as nursery goes.... if you are getting really nice things I would go neutral colors... but I ended up getting my bedding at target, so went all girly-- as it was a lot cheaper!

  4. I LOVE my rocker/glider chair. I searched and searched and searched for one. I found mine at Shopko for $99, on sale. It rocks, reclines, swivels and has a foot stool that does all the same as well. It microfiber neutral tan with pockets on both sides that hold all sorts of great stuff--binky's birp cloths, books etc. I would buy one again in a heartbeat--I love it!
    We have the graco travel system too--and it's great. It was cheap, but it's lasted fabulously through my two kiddos. The only thing I wish was that I had a double stroller now, but it's silly to get a double stroller to start with.
    As for a breast pump, if someone will loan you one, I'd say go with that. You can buy new cords to go with any breast pump, if it grosses you out to use another one. I wouldn't go out and buy one until you've tried one and decided if you even like it. But hand pumps are LAME. They are nice to have in a crunch, better than hand expressing, but and electric, double sided at once, is the way to go! I borrowed a medela, and it was GREAT. I didn't buy one, cuz I'm a RETARDED nurser, but I wouldn't have known that initially and would have been bummed if I had spent the money. I'd try one before you buy one, if you can.

  5. Well, I don't know anything about stroller and all that other stuff, but I am obsessed with names and the origins of names and all that. For me (i know this sounds really silly considering how I am unmarried and have no kids) but I want to name my boys after a founding father and then someone in my family. My roomies always tease me for living on, but it is so fascinating! I can't wait to hear what you guys pick out for him! :) Good luck!

