Friday, December 28, 2012

Winston is 4 Months!

My sweet baby Winston turned 4 Months old on December 21st
Here are his stats from his doctors appointment:

Weight: 13.3 Pounds  (18%)
Height:  25 1/2 Inches (73%)
Head Circ: 42.9 cm  (69%)

We have one tall skinny boy!

He also had to get his shots :(
There is a shortage for the shot that has 3 shots in it, 
so he had to be poked 4 times!
It was so sad.

He does not handle his shots very well which makes this momma extremely sad.
He wanted to be held all day
(Which is fine by me)
but he also would just cry and cry and cry.
It seriously broke mine and James' hearts.

Winston at 4 months:

He loves his bath time

Loves his big brother Lincoln

Winston loves it when he stands up on your lap when he's holding your hands

Loves to sleep!
He goes to bed at 9:00 PM and wakes up once or twice in the night.
He's up for the day by 8:00 AM
He then will have a short morning nap around 9 for an hour.
Then he'll take his long nap from 11-4ish
Then around 6 he'll have another short 45 minute power nap
then back to bed by 9:00.

He needs to sleep swaddled
If he wiggles his way out of being wrapped up, he wakes himself up

Winston is always smiling

He has the most beautiful dimples

He still has deep blue eyes

He has gorgeous long eye lashes

He loves to suck on his hands

He is now putting his rattles and toys in his mouth to suck on

He is starting to drool
(it still doesn't even come close to the amount of drool that comes from Lincoln's mouth)

He thinks it's so funny when we change him

He laughs when we use wet wipes on his little bum

He can roll over from his tummy to his back
(some of the time)

He wants to roll from his back to stomach but just can't figure it out yet,
he twists and turns so much - he'll get it soon

Win is not a fan of tummy time. He just lays there and gives up
His neck is strong and he can hold it up but he just gets lazy.
(Lincoln was such a champ at tummy time and holding his head up - but I am defiantly not complaining...I am loving have a 'normal' paced baby!)

He likes to sleep with a blanket by his face

He loves to sit up

Loves his bumbo!

Winston loves to play with his toy mat

Winston will only take a binki when he is extremely, extremely tired.

Winston is in size 1 diaper

He wears size 0-3 month and 3 month clothes
(3-6 month clothes still drown him)

Winston does not like to have the canopy up and over him when he's in his carseat.
He likes to be able to see everything around him.
So much for using one of those carseat covers...

He drinks 4 ounces every 3ish hours

Winston is so quick to laugh

Winston still hasn't tried his baby oatmeal, but he will next week.

Winston tried his johnny jump up for the first time last week
he didn't complain about it
but also hasn't figured out how to jump in it yet

Winston doesn't like loud noises when it's time to go to sleep.

Winston is such an easy going baby.
He only cries when he is ready to eat (and usually it's just a whine)
and when he is ready to sleep.
I get asked all the time
"He is always this happy? Does he ever cry?!"
And I always say, "Yes he is, and no he doesn't"
He is seriously perfect
We have been so lucky to have him apart of our family.

And just for kicks and giggles
here is a comparison of Lincoln and Winston at 4 months old.
Everyone says that they think Winston looks like Lincoln when he was a baby-
They are defiantly siblings, but I dunno if they look that much a like.
Winston is a lot skinnier than Linc was.
They both have BIG eyes, but they have different eye shapes.
Lincolns head was more round than Winston's is.
Either way-
They are both adorable :)

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