I love December because there is always so much stuff going on! I love having something to look forward to...Christmas shopping, Christmas parties, Decorating the Christmas tree, cheesy Hallmark movies, Christmas lights, seeing Santa and lots and lots of family time.
This Christmas has been extra special because it is Lincolns First Christmas! I want to do
everything that has to deal with Christmas because I want to be able to say (and have a picture to prove it) that Lincoln has had the best First Christmas! And plus, it's our first Christmas as a family of 3!
This past week was very eventful! First I have to brag about my little Lincolnator. Last Monday, November 29th, he...
Rolled Over! yes he surly did! It has seriously been the highlight of my week. We were doing tummy time and I of course was taking pictures of him and then he hiccuped and rolled over! I have a video of it, but it wont upload for some crazy reason. But believe me..he did it! I'm seriously so proud!
On Tuesday, November 30ths Lincoln reached his 11 week mark. I seriously cannot believe how fast he is growing! He is all smiles these days... well besides when he wants attention or gets scared and makes
the saddest face anyone has ever seen! He puckers his bottom lip and quivers his little chin. I can't help but laugh when I see it. I have a little drama king on my hands!
Lincoln is also sleeping so well! He goes to bed in between 8 and 9 PM. Usually by 8:30 and he sleeps until 4 or 5, then has bottle then wakes up at 8 or 9 am! It is so nice to be able to have some time in the night to get a few last minute things done and then it's nice that he sleeps so long! It would be nice if he went to bed a little later so he was actually
sleeping through the night..but in all reality this works just great for us!
He isn't laughing yet, just smiling all the time. I try all day to get him to laugh, but he just wont belt it out! He will soon...and when he does, you'll be hearing about it!
Anyways on the 30th, Stephanie had her little baby!! Yay! I was so excited to finally meet little Ronald Bo Craven! He was so tiny compared to Lincoln. They are exactly 11 weeks apart and are going to be trouble makes in the years to come.
On Wednesday I went up to hang out with my mom and Kelli. We went Anthro shopping! loved it! Can't wait for Christmas :) Afterward I tried on different outfits on Lincoln for his blessing that was yesterday. (that will be a separate post) My mother in law gave me James' blessing outfit in case I wanted to use it. James' blessing outfit really is cute. He had a bonnet and little pants and a sweater. When I tried it on on Lincoln, I just put on the bonnet and the bottoms and kept his little gray onesie on. Look at my little German boy
Needless to say, he was not happy and we ended up using a different outfit :)
On Friday, we went out and picked out a Christmas tree. If you remember last year James went hunting and got a permit to cut down a tree. Boy, that tree was so sad looking! Can't remember it? Check it out
We found the perfect tree at Harmons. Yes Harmon's and they were only 30 bucks! Now that's a steal!
All bundled, ready to go!
On Saturday, my Grandparents held the annual Tree Trimming event. Every first Saturday of December we go over to my grandparents and have a great lunch and then decorate their Christmas tree. And every year the same thing happens...my lovely grandpa explains the rules to decorating the tree:
1. No hanging things on the lights
2. Only on ornaments per branch
3. NO MORE than 3 strands of tinsel on a branch.
And every year the little kids always put most the ornaments on one branch, ornaments and tinsel gets hung on the lights and yes, the tinsel is thrown in globs on the tree :)
oh my goodness I love my boys!

Blowing the Tinsel |
My Mister sleeping.
This was the first time wearing 0-3 month jeans.
Still a little big as you can see!
I can't wait for the weeks to come! So much more fun is on the way!!