Winston is now 2 months old.
I took him in last week to his 2 month well check visit.
Here are his stats:
Age: 2 months and 4 days
Date: 10-25-12
Weight: 10 pounds 15 ounces 27%
Length: 23.5 inches 67%
Head Circ: 39.5 cm 34%
He is a healthy, little boy
His pediatrician said Winston is growing great and it right on track for his development.
He did mention to try to get Winston to 'stand up' on our lap to try to gain some muscle on his little, itty, bitty, skinny legs.
It's funny to see the difference between Winston and Lincoln. At 2 months Lincoln was 13 pounds and was mr. chubby buddy. And now, mr. Winston is mr. skinny winny.
I'm not complaining though, I absolutely love that Winston is still so small.
At the appointment Winston got his first round of shots.
3 pokes and one oral.
Winston was not a fan of the shots. He cried all day long. It was so sad. He would be sleeping but then suddenly he would wake up and just start crying.the.saddest.cry.
It broke my heart.
I held him all day. I even canceled my plans I had for that evening just so I could stay with him.
Luckily he is doing much better now.
(The first case of RSV has hit Utah County-which means we will need to be
extra careful with our little guy. So if you have colds or are sick -
we would love to see you when you are all better :) )
He of course loved his bath to help his owies
Winston is such a great baby.
We are seriously truly spoiled.
Winston goes to bed around 10:00PM
Wakes up around 4 to eat
Then sleeps til 8:30ish
Then he will have awake time then sleep some more.
Winston laughed for the first time on October 10th.
We were in at my parents house, sitting around the table when he started laughing.
It is the sweetest little sound.
He will still laugh and coo constantly throughout the day.
He is so quick to smile
He loves to stick his tongue out and loves to have his mouth open
(his obsession with having his mouth open has been present since the day he was born)
He coos and gagas
We just upgraded him to size 1 diaper.
He was still fitting into his newborn size diapers, but I didn't know if we could use up the whole box of diapers before I needed to upgrade them. So, the are nice and big right now, but I'm not complaining because they can hold A TON!
Winston eats around 4 ounces every 3 or 4 hours.
After his long after noon nap he'll eat around 6 ounces.
He is now on size 2 bottle nipple.
Feedings are going to be lots faster now!
He does not like it when his bottle is warmed up in the microwave, he'll throw it up.
He likes warm milk from the tap.
He needs to burn after he eats so his tummy doesn't hurt
Winston is on Formula and is doing great on it!
We can Winston: Winston, WinstonS, Winst, Win and Win Man. Along with baby, brother and bugaboo
Winston has the cutest dimples!!
The one on his right cheek is really deep and you can see it even when he smiles slightly
and the one on his left cheek can be seen with a big smile.
Seriously, so stinking cute.
He's hair is finally starting to grow back on top.
bye bye old man look.
Winston has big, beautiful eyes. And long, dark eyelashes.
He's getting stronger at holding his head up
Winston is still wearing his newborn clothes and some 0-3 months clothes
He loves to swing in his swing
Winston is a big fan of his daddy
and of his big brother...just as long as he isn't smothering him too much
When Winston is tired he fights going to sleep.
He'll get fussy and spit his binky out and almost start thrashing.
It takes him a few minutes to settle down and once he does, he's out
We are still working on tummy time
(I need to be better at it)
Winston loves to play with his play mat that has toys that hang down so he can bat at them
Lincoln loves it too
All in all, Winston is growing up too fast for me
But at the same time I am loving it.
I love that he can interact with us these days.
Ah, I just love him.
We Love our beautiful baby boy!