Is it bad that I wanted the WHOLE bed to myself last night?
I went to bed before James last night
(that happens every night)
And I ended up falling sleep on his pillow
while the rest of my body was on spread out in the middle of the bed.
When James came into bed
I didn't want to move
He tried to push me over
I wouldn't budge
He then just laid next to me, literally on the edge of the bed.
Me being frustrated
and now being a bad wife for not wanting to move over...
I moved over.
Well, I moved my head over.
Hey! At least he now had his pillow!
I then swung my arm and elbowed him in the head
But my arm wanted to stretch
I then fell asleep
Not knowing what position I was in.
But then, James got up to go to the bathroom
You best believe I took over the entire bed.
He wasn't very gentile this time around.
He used both his arms and pushed me to my end of the bed.
Is it so bad I just wanted my space last night?
I couldn't get comfortable and every time I finally did...
Mr. Baby in my tummy would change his position
causing me to get uncomfortable.
I almost went and slept in our guest bed
But I didn't..
I wanted to stay in the BIG bed...
And so did James
So basically
This morning I feel like a terrible wife
A wife that wanted her husband to sleep in the other room
Just so I could get some decent sleep.
Selfish I tell you